Annyeonghaseyo..huhu inilah galeri Foto Key Shinee terbaru dan beberapa foto nya sebelum debut menjadi idol

Di Paris, hampir mati membeku, pose kilat Kim Key

Di hotel, matahari pagi!!!
emo Key..Love it♥ |
arghh…he look so handsome..*melts* |
Hyun Jung miniHP?? who is Hyun Jung?? |
aigoo…he such a cute boy.. 😉 |
Key in Pink… |
Key it..♥ |
Kim Kibum Passport… |
Key in uniform.. |
Key was really fashionista..>_< |
Key with his ???
A : Mother.
B : Sister
C : Aunty
D : Teacher
E : Fans
i also dont know..= =” |
Key with his friends in Kara-oke.. |
another selca with different earing.. ^^ |
Key with Taemin.. they look so pure..i mean their skins..^^ |
Key his necklace..and his earing.
look…he pouts..aww..cute cute..^^♥ |
i think Key have a lot of accessories…look another necklace and diamond earing..
he really diva..^^ |
Key without font teeth..haha..funny but cute..
and the girl is his sister.. |
awww….so cute..^^ |
nah semoga kamu yang ngefans banget sama KeY SHINee bisa terobati yah,oh ya jika kamu ada request silakan request di fan page yah,postin ini juga request salah satu reader disini Flo Viorent,
credit : Yeppopo, dan